
Chatoyant. Pronounced [Sha-toy-ent]. It literally means cat-like or cat's eye in the French language and a constant change in color in English, used as a descriptor for the shimmering changes in jewelry. 

Chatoyant: Considered one of the most beautiful words in the English language—beautiful like the ever changing essence of the fashion world. 

Due to the ambiguity of the word, we chose it because as fashion and styles change, changing us with it in return, it is placed into the commodity world becoming quite difficult to attain. We are here to change that, or if anything, inspire the idea that fashion may still and will always be attainable, accessible, and any other a-letter word that means you can damn right have it. We are two writers that love the fashion and clothes arena, the artistic value and cherish unique movements that people cultivate from it. We've gotten many comments when we explain the name of our blog such as, "Is the blog about cats?" To answer: It's about fashionable cats. Not literally, or metaphorically for that matter (if it even exists as a metaphoric way)!

But we digress. As we once heard on Project Runway, fashion is about looking luxurious and expensive. However, our twisted version of this thought is that fashion should be capable of seeming elegant and expensive without it really being. Our idea isn't a new thing. People, especially women, having been finding ways to look riveting while only spending so little. Take the Irish, Jewish and Italian migrant women for example, who wore the latest Fifth Avenue trends without actually paying anything more than $5 on it ($5 in 1910 would be over $100 today!). 

About the Writers

Growing up in a family of nothing but very beautiful women, I’ve always been self-conscious of the way I look and what I wear. At the same time, however, being brought up by a single mother taught me to be conscious of how much I spend. 
As an avid magazine reader,-- I’ve been flipping through the pages of Vogue since the sixth grade-- I learned that as inspirational and beautiful every editorial was, the fashion was completely unreachable to the middle class teenager. 
Thus, throughout the years, I have created a personalized look for myself, to my pleasure recognized by my peers, even if it means buying a shirt much too large for a few bucks and tearing it completely apart to suit my persona. I hope this blog will provide shopping smarts to young adults both fashion and money conscious. 

After some heart-seeking, I decided to pursue a degree in music business with an emphasis on marketing and probably some writing. I enjoy taking pictures of people and sometimes making money from it. 

My cat and I used to have a love-hate relationship, but I think he's finally realized no one else will spoil him the way I do so now he just loves me. You can find him flooding my Instagram. 

When I opened my first Nylon Magazine, I went head over heels for the inspiring women who were featured because they portrayed their lyrical versus through the art of their clothes. They came off as potent and genuine zealots of a rebellious beauty I can only dream of one day being brave enough to get a taste of…

If it all weren’t so expensive. Seriously. I'm a student filthy in debt, as most students can commiserate, so I'm trying to spend my money wisely. 

I'm a journalism and English lit. student who loves to sleep more than anything and whose current mission is to read as many stories as possible and write just as many. I have two cute dogs, Max and Jack, who you will see a lot of on my Twitter and Instagram. I really enjoy snow cones, photography and The Walking Dead. 

I'm a multimedia student journalist for State Press Magazine and manage New Global Citizens partner relations, as well as mentor high school students. 

Hope you enjoy our writing!